Specialty Structures and Foundations 

Christy/Cobb provides services for the design, evaluation and review of special structures and/or their foundations.




Renaissance Tower

Florence, Alabama

Christy/Cobb designed a tower approximately 250 foot tall as an exhibition and information center with a restaurant at the top for the State of Alabama. The space at the top of the tower continuously rotates to provide 360 degree view of the Tennessee River, Wilson Dam and the City of Florence below. The tower stem is constructed with reinforced concrete and the space on top with structural steel.  

Alys Stephens Sculpture
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Birmingham, Alabama

Christy/Cobb conducted a peer review of the sculpture and foundation donated by the Birmingham Museum of Art to UAB..




Alys Stephens Center Entrance Marquee, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Birmingham, Alabama

Christy/Cobb provided the structural design of the support and foundation for an architectural marquee located at the entrance of the Center. The marquee includes two LED orthogonal programmable displays highlighting upcoming events. The supports are designed with stainless steel, carbon steel and aluminum elements.


Wagon Sprouts Sculpture

El Paso, Texas

Christy/Cobb provided the structural design of the support and foundation for an architectural scupture created by Christopher Fennell an Artist and Scuptor in Birmingham, Alabama. Located near elementary schools and a park it is inspired by Jack and the Beanstalk and children’s wagons.

For more information go to: http://www.cfennell.com/work/2017/wagon-sprouts


Huntsville Light Tree Sculpture

Huntsville, Alabama

Christy/Cobb provided the design of foundations for two steel sculptures, the Light Tree and Light Tree Arch, located in the Jefferson Street Streetscape in Huntsville.  The artist and sculptor was Christopher Fennell from Birmingham, Alabama.

For more information go to: http://www.cfennell.com/work/2017/light-tree
